Refocus your life

refocus your life
relax during meditation

In current society everything is about sound, and dopamine levels. Who is guilty taking headphones out when riding a bike? How much we like music and the enjoyment it brings, it also causes dangerous situations.

To enjoy ourselves there are many activities we can participate in. While trying to go for them we tend to look for activies that increase our dopamine levels. Like working out, playing games or listening to music. One activity that we don’t tend to look at for improving our dopamine levels is meditation. However meditating improves our dopamine levels besides all the other benefits it creates.

Meditation is a vital practice to access conscious contact with your highest self. – Wayne Dyer

Consider adding some meditation into your life. Don’t have enough time to meditate? Replace 15 minutes of your daily scrolling through social media or those 15 minutes of laying in the couch.

When you participate in meditation you will be able to free your mind. The more you enjoy meditating the better you will gain contact with yourself. Meditation can be done in any way you would like. It can go from a calm seated positioning to a walk across the city center.