Find your rhytm of progress

How does your progress look like?

Progress is required to achieve the goals you set for yourself. But which amount of progress is required in a certain amount of time is dependant on the goal you want to achieve and in what amount of time.

If we want to achieve something we could think that powering through the progress asap could increase our success rate. However attempting to get too much progress in a short amount of time will rather prevent us to reach what we want. If for some reason you are still able to achieve it you are very hard working and maybe a bit lucky. Unfortunately it might also cause some problems in the near future. An example if you focus very hard on your health and you succeed to drop a large amount of weight in only one month. It may be motivating and you will love the progress. However the issue is that it’s most likely not possible to maintain this amount of progress and to continue on the same level. It will cause you to burn yourself out and will lead you to possibly even lose the progress you made.

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. – George Bernard Shaw

To receive progress it’s required to stay open to new ideas. If you would solely look towards the end goal and you never change your ways the progress will soon stop. A change in attitude and a change in what we eat may lead us into a completely new world. You determine what progress you are looking for and how you want to achieve it. It’s mainly dependant on how hard you want to work and what you are willing to give up. For example if you want to accomplish getting hired for a certain job you may have to get a certain degree, follow a course or get experience in a certain subject. If instead of solely focussing on one of them you could combine all 3 and have more possibilities of being offered the job.

Once you have chosen a path you are taking you are also deciding how you want the progress to look like. For example if you are learning a new language you could learn it on your own, follow a paid class, speak to strangers in the language or even move to a different country where they speak the language. You determine how much work you put in and by consequence how much you are improving. Only you are the one who needs to be happy with the route you are taking and the amount of progress you get during a certain amount of time. Unless of course your parents are paying for the course or you need certain skills for your work. When no one else is involved set the goals you want to achieve and determine how you are going after them.