Dare to talk about things you consider as an issue rather than a blessing

Don’t be surprised you feel different than others would think you feel

In life there are many moments where people assume that because you are doing well everything should be good and you should be able to be happy. If something happens that is considered to be a positive improvement we always assume that there is nothing bad about it.

An example of a situation like this is when your newborn baby is born. Everyone is happy when the baby is born and we should too. But what if something during the pregnancy went wrong? Maybe there is nothing wrong with your child but there is always the possibility that you have some other negative side effects that are not being spoken about. What about the complete change of your life after your first baby is born? We are expected to be all happy but what about the responsibilities and all of the efforts with the least amount of sleep possible? While for some people it may all be positive but it’s very normal to feel sad during this period. There are more people that we know that have gone through it. Just because we don’t see anything it doesn’t mean that everything is all positive. If friends or family just got their first baby try to look out for them and not assume that everything is perfect. When you have a newborn yourself don’t be ashamed to ask for help or a talk with friends or family. There are even professionals that can help you get through it.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. – Soren Kierkegaard

Talking to people about something that you feel is negative that others think is positive is difficult. Everyones opinion is different and considering your life and your experiences you may be feeling something totally different. An example is you may have just landed an incredible job, you get to work from home most days in the week, you are payed well, everyone on the outside respects what you are doing and they seem to like the company you are working for. However when you are working there might be just that one thing that makes it a hell for you. Sometimes it’s the clients, the work you have to do, the boss, the environment, the mindset. There can be so many things wrong while it all seems so right. Despite the fact that others believe that you should continue to work there forever you have to work there so you have to be happy to do the work.

Problems like mentioned in this article can be solved and therefore it’s best to take action on them. However there also exists problems that either can’t or shouldn’t be solved. (immediately) For example when you are taking care for your baby and you are only feeling tired but still have some joy in the moment then you might just have to go through it. From the moment your baby’s sleep shedule extends yours will too. Hapiness in your job is very important but it’s not always the be-all and end-all. Meaning if for example you are currently struggling with paying off a high interest debt that can technically be paid off in 6 years, you could chose to go for a higher paying job to pay it off in 2 or 3 years. If you are aware what the issue is, you accept it and it’s only temporary you don’t necessarily have to act on it.