Despite the issues keep your enemies close

Do you avoid your ennemies?

When you have enemies or people you don’t like so much we tend to keep them at a distance. But is it smart to keep them far away rather than staying close to them?

In life there are many different type of persons with all different characters. Some people you like, others you are neutral against and even others you hate to be around. While it may be the easiest to try to stay away from them there are plenty of benefits to keep them close. For one when you are close to them it will be harder to tell bad things about you. FIf you are with them frequently they will not be able to say anything bad about you at that moment. Because of you are with them when they say it you are able to defend yourself. When being around them frequently it means they have to talk bad about in a different setting. If one of your colleagues is talking about you when you are not around make sure to be around them as often as possible. This would mean they have to go out of their way to talk bad about you. In turn this will make the people that hear about it question the truth of it. If they are not able to talk about it in the normal situation it may not be true at all.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. – Napoleon Bonaparte

Sometimes your enemies will do something to try and harm you when you know that everyone around knows they aren’t tell the truth. If you and everyone around knows it then don’t interrupt them. Let them make a fool of themselves trying to put you in a bad light while they are ruining themselves. Never step down to their level, don’t try to hurt them with your words or actions. Be the better, stronger person. Let them take actions and try to look for signals that others know that your enemy is doing the wrong them. As long as they are harming themselves and not you there is nothing happening. Rather than attempting to correct what they are saying let the situation speak for itself by not trying to defend yourself. A person who doesn’t defend himselves versus a bad story will more than likely be in the right.

Some consider the persons that can challenge their autority and or those who are looking at the same promotion at work to be their ennemies. They are not persons that really damage you but who challenge what you are capable of doing. They motivate you to be your best version and to continue to improve. These are persons you definitely want to keep close. Rather than wanting to avoid them you should remain close to them, especially if they are more experienced than you. If you have less knowledge than them there is no reason not to stick with them. Because of their experience they will be able to learn less from you but you will get tons of improvement thank to them. They will feel great because they know they have more knowledge; But they are not growing, you are closing the gap every minute you spend with them and try to learn.