Are you overconsuming?

Does this look like normal consumption?

Growing up we learn to appreciate consuming products and craving them. Think about your childhood, what did you receive for eating your entire meal? What did you receive for receiving good grades?

As reward we receive candy or toys. It can be compared with a cat receiving a treat for putting it’s paw up. The cat receives a reward for doing as you wish. The same thought goes into learning children how to do what is necessary for their development. However unfortunately we are never taught how achieving something great does not have to be rewarded with a consumption good.

Work to survive, survive by consuming, survive to consume: the hellish cycle is complete. – Raoul vaneigem

if you are lucky you will learn yourself that you don’t need a physical reward. If you didn’t this article will help you realise that you can get pleasure from succeeding without having to buy something to reward yourself.

Our society is completely focussed around consumption. How do we look at someone living the minimalist lifestyle? We think about their “extreme” or rather their inferior way of living. They are considered as the odd one out. Although they are the one who have found the way of living. Being happy without much consumption.

This article is not written to all change into minimalists. But we can learn from how they live and add some of it into our life. Dare to stand up against how the society wants us to consume everyday and do as you please.