Not what happens to you but how you react to it influences you

The harder you persist the harder it becomes

Each time we think that life is being unfair to us we try to avoid what is coming for us. We resist what is coming for it and because of it there will be more of it.

If life throws a curveball to you there are different methods of replying to it. You can dodge, catch it, throw it back or just stand there. Just as with the curveball in life there are other methods to withstand the issue coming up. An example is if you get injured while working out to become healthy. You can try to dodge it by teaching yourself how to warm up and how to train intense but safe. You can catch it by after you get injured to take enough rest so your body can recover. Throwing it back is seeing you get injured in your foot but knowing you can still safely work out other parts of your body without putting too much pressure and for the other part rest enough. As last comparison you can just stand there, you can take the hit by getting injured and waiting it out. ???

work around it

What you resist persists – Carl Jung

You can’t control everything in life