Don’t do something because someone is looking, rather do it because you want to

Do what is important because you support the cause

There are some principles in life that feel important to life by, sometimes we are even pressured into following those rules. Are you following them when people are around you or are you also commiting to them if you are alone?

If you need to throw away that water bottle and you are not at home what are you doing with the bottle? Are you throwing it away in a bin but only if one is close or only if someone is walking behind you? If you do the latter you are not accepting the principle but solely doing it for the purpose of showing that you follow the norm. What is the importance of the principle if you don’t follow it all the time? Abiding to the prinicple only when people are around is to obtain and maintain respect. However it’s great for you as a person if you are also following them when no one is looking. Think what the principles is, what it stems for and what the reason for it’s existance is.

Don’t do it because you look cool doing it, do it because that is what we are supposed to do. – Khalil Rafati

Throwing away junk in nature happens frequently. What you are throwing away is not being broken down by nature and it will influence our environment for many years to come. Some cities are paying workers to clean this trash to help nature. However you are paying taxes to clean up the mess you made because you didn’t take the effort to walk to the bin. If everyone throws away their junk in nature the environment would be so ugly that you wouldn’t be able to go for a walk anymore. Understand the principle, and commit to the principle with everyone you have. Once you understood what needs to be done and you are commiting to it teach others why this is important for everyone and let them join you in the battle towards a better life for us and our children.

Respect is not earned in life just because do something when others are watching. Because when this is the case you are not true to yourself and it shows. Rather do something when you see the reason behind it and understand the importance of it. The same thing goes for starting a business don’t just try to sell as much as you can to someone, rather try to find what is the best fit for them even if this means not selling much or anything at all. People will notice when you are sincere with your business and trying to help them. This is the reason why a very driven entrepreneur often need people to work for them with people skills and especially some people that aren’t working on commission. If the employees aren’t working on commission they aren’t mainly focussed on selling. Rather they are trying to help the clients with the best advise they can.