Don’t get overwhelmed by the pressure, rather realise that you have time

Time isn’t unlimited however we have more time than pressure would make us believe

Our environment becomes more high pressure each day. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the pressure and give up before you start something or to give up half way. I

Everyone has the same amount of time, but they spend it differently. People around you may put pressure on you to achieve something by a certain age. However everyone is different and you should only follow your own path and reach what you desire in your own time. In this day and age we consider ourselves to “be old” at our current age, regardless if it’s 23 years, 30 or 35 years old. However if you ask any retired person you will learn that they thought the same and afterwards figured out that they were still extremely young. Don’t make the mistake to think that you are too old to start something that your goal is.

Time is nature’s way of keeping everything from happening at once. – John Archibald Wheeler

Social media has wired us to think that everyone else has everything they want and comparing ourselves to them will only hurt our self esteem. If you see a 20 year old with a ferarri on social media going to buy a second supercar while you are 25 year old and working hard you may think that you are doing something wrong. The first component to consider is that they probably are showing things better than they actually are. They may have taken a big loan to purchase the car. If they are going to have financial problems in 2 years you will not hear anything from them. Yes, there are young people that buy those cars and maintain their financial success. But that doesn’t mean that you have to achieve the same result as them in the same amount of time. Work hard and invest your money wisely and you could be in the same situation later on in life.

Older people than you will set a certain time frame for you to obtain certain goals. While those time frames may have been achievable back in the day they may be much harder to achieve now. An example is to purchase a home at a certain age. Many years ago if you worked hard you were able to take a loan and pay it back in 30 years. Nowadays despite working hard you may have trouble doing the same thing. If you are currently not where you want to be it doesn’t mean that you haven’t worked hard enough. Maybe you are working harder (and smarter) then everyone around you but it’s still difficult. As long as you continue to learn, improve and take smart decision you will end up in a good situation later in life. Work hard and never give up, you will thank yourself for not crumbling under the pressure early on. It may not look like it but you have time at your side if you acknowledge and don’t just waste your time.