High effort causes high reward in the long run

How much effort are you putting in?

Every goal that can be achieved seems like it has it’s shortcuts. Are you trying to search for the shortcut or are you putting the hard work in that is required?

To obtain something special we may sometimes think that a shortcut is great to use. However when you are using a shortcut you are not using your maximum potential. Let’s look at an example consider you start a study to allow yourself to get a certain type of job. In orde to achieve the degree you are required to pass your exams. Some want to get this by cheating, some write down something they can’t remember or they look at the exam of their neighbour. If nothing goes wrong you may pass your exam, but what have you proven to yourself? That you are unable to pass the exam on your own power and that you managed to squeeze through? What about the next exam, will you do the same or pass the exam the normal way? Even if you never tell to anyone what you did you will know that in all honesty you don’t deserve the points you got for the exam.

Success is dependent on effort. – Sophocles

It’s true some people get lucky and in turn achieve a certain success out of the blue. However the person who end up get success at every corner are not the ones who get lucky every 5 minutes. Someone winning a lottery may win a large amount of money. But if you never learned how to handle high amounts of money you will quickly part with it again. However if you have worked hard day in day out and invested your money you can also have that one lucky break. This time you are not getting lucky out of the blue, however your hard working and constant effort to continue to invest has payed off. And instead of parting as quickly as you just got it you will be able to maintain your lifestyle with it for longer. Because you worked hard for it you don’t want to give it out in mere months.

The current problem we are facing is that our society focusses so much on quick rewards that no one is willing to put in the hard work anymore. If we are putting out the effort that is needed for just 2 months we think that next month we’ll be rewarded for it. This is not how it works, rather than being rewarded instantly you have to work hard for years put in the effort day in day out. The harder you work the better you will perform and the easier hard working becomes. As the saying goes: “Work hard, play hard”. Doing the hard work for a year allows you to enjoy yourself for a week in the year. Continue to work hard, but also find time to relax and make time for your family and friends.