The reason you go for a certain goal is more important than the result

Do you care how you look going for a goal?

In life there are plenty of goals you could go for. But what is the reason why you pick that goal? Is it because you love to look cool achieving the goal or is it because you know the result wil improve your health.

If you go for a goal solely to make yourself look cool the achievement will not be completed, or at least you will not be able to sustain it. For example if you want to become healthy because others will no longer look at your body for being overweight but will be in awe to see what a body you have obtained. It’s actually possible to get a decent result with just the thought of others admiring your future body. However when you slowly achieve the body you want you may not have that many showing respect for what you have done. Through the months and years they will have seen your improvements and will start to expect your result. So when you have achieved the dream body you always wanted you may not receive the amount of praise that you anticipated. This in turn will make your motivation to rapidly decrease and potentially even demotivate you completely and push you back towards your old you.

Don’t do it because you look cool doing it, do it because that is what we are supposed to do. – Khalil Rafati

No matter how much you would like others to see you differently there is no external motiviation that will keep your life in check for as long as needed. Certainly not if you never want to turn back to your old life. The external motivation can be a benefit a supplement, but if you don’t have any internal motivation you will never reach your goal or maintain the end result. Instead of looking at external motivation look for a reason within yourself in order to focus on what is important for you, to succeed and to maintain the result you dreamed of. The stronger your internal motivation is the higher the possibility is that you will succeed. The bigger the internal motivation is the easier you will reach your goal and be able to maintain the result.

The end result is extremely important if you are trying to reach it by using external motivation. If your motivation is internal every small step is a big step towards your result. If the motivation is internally you will enjoy the small progress you are making, because you are not depending on the compliments that others would have to give you. Instead of constantly looking for compliments you will have plenty of motivation to keep going, any compliments will only boost your confidence and will make sure that you stick to it. Instead of counting on them it makes your motivation unbreakable and you will have no issue following up on the steps you set for yourself.