Start to shine when you are under pressure

Are you able to perform under pressure?

Pressure happens to all of us, especially on moments we least expect it. Are you going to crumble under this pressure or can you surpass it?

Every day delivers us plenty of stress and we just have to live with them. While everyone undergoes stress you decide how you react to it. An example is that your employer puts you under pressure to perform great. This extra pressure might make you anxious and cause you to perform less. However if you manage to handle the stress you may allow yourself to perform better under the stress. It could provoke you to work longer hours on a day. In turn this will make it harder to cook healthy at home and invite you to go eat fast food to save some time. If you are handling the stress you are more likely to prepare healthy meals.

Courage is grace under pressure. – Ernest Hemingway

When your employer or teacher asks you to take the lead in something do you accept or crawl back under your shield? Everyone is being put under pressure from time to time, you decide how much it influences you. Plus if the influence is positive or negative. Instead of only thinking what could go wrong also think about how much it improves your skills. You run the risk to embarras yourself, but at the same time you have the potential of improving. While others may want to avoid the risks at all cost you can become courageous and take the necessary step to continue. If you are performing under pressure you will slowly start to build courage that can be used any time pressure rises. So next time that people are trying to hide you can gracefully get through the pressure.

Trying to find your rhytm may take longer than you initially would want it to take. The first few times you are stressed for something it’s very likely that you are unable to perform well in the situation. However the more often you are having this type of stress the better you will be acclimated to it. You will slowly start to build confidence for doing certain tasks, for example participating in exams, doing challenging takes at work or doing hard fitness challenges. After building confidence on certain tasks you will start to have a confidence to perform under stressfull situation despite never having experienced the specific situations before.