A positive vicious circle and how to aim for it

How does your road ahead look like?

Do you always look up and consider the opportunities that lay ahead to continue to improve yourself?

Vicious circles stand synonym for a downward trend for most. While this is often the case the possibility also exists to continue to keep getting success after success; Instead of going down a rabbit hole you are continueing to improve yourself day after day. In due time this circle will bring you success in many areas of life. For example you start by studying hard, you get decent or even good results, get a good job, create a great family, have great children, improve on your skills, maybe even start a successfull business and so on. You do something good, it makes you feel better, then that makes you better which makes you feel great. One success turns into the next, the one after that and it continues.

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. – Willie Nelson

We sometimes have some bad luck, so it could be that in your life you studies hard and succeeded at school but your first job isn’t the score that you dreamed of. This doesn’t have to mean the end of the positive vibe. Everyone can have some hickups on the journey. As long as you don’t let it take you down permanently your positive vicious circle could restart at any point. Your life doesn’t have to be perfect to enjoy the benefit of a (short) positive vicious circle. Think positively and continue to strive for growth and you will unlock some of the benefits that go with it. While going for your goals try to enjoy yourself. You’ll have more chance for success.

It’s difficult to say if it’s possible to create a positive vicious circle aiming for it. The part you have to try and aim for is working hard towards your goals and don’t feel that you are about to receive success in the coming few months or years. If you feel like success has to come you will perform less and feel dissapointed if the success doesn’t arrive yet. However if you aren’t feeling like you deserve something special and still continue to work hard towards everything you could end up in a positive vicious circle that will rapidly accerlerate your growth. Use a positive mindset to let the good things in life come for you but avoid thinking that you’ll receive it in a short amount of time.