Starting something is easy, so make sure you start, after that find a way to continue

Force yourself to start and you will see where you end

Life has many challenges, a lot of people don’t even start them. Be different: start the challenge, because starting is not so hard. It’s finding the power and motivation to continue that might be more difficult.

The start of doing something new doesn’t have to be hard. Just find the courage to start something and you will have no struggles starting. After you start you have to search for a method to continue, otherwise you’ll be just like everyone starting a New Year’s resolution and when February hits you are already back to your old habits. A first method of learning how to continue is by considering that so many people don’t even start, because you started your journey you have already beaten about 50% of your peers. Who can say they started becoming healthy, who has started their own business, who has started to learn a new language? Next up you can think if I already started what is stopping me from succeeding? Why can’t I just continue on the path and achieve the goal I set for myself?

Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. – Lao Tzu

When people join in a race people say participating is more important than winning. It’s true that even participating in the race, participating in aiming for the goal you are half way there. Without a start there is also no finish. The mere participation is allowing you to build experience in the field you may want to spend more time on in the future. Learn how to start things that are required for success so that you will be able to get more experience. The more experience you are getting the bigger the chance will be that next time you will succeed. Take your first step so that the next steps can follow soon after. Practise makes perfect, continue to spend time on it and you will without doubt become better.

To continue on a path you will have to find internal motivation so that you will not give up after just doing it for a short amount of time. The best example for this is to become healthy. Everyone knows what they have to do: eat healthy and get movement in. However there are still so many people that give up after some months. The reason for this that they are often pushes by family or friends to change something in their life. However when you start under this circumstance you only have a bit of external motivation; From the moment they no longer look or they no longer compliment you your motivation will dissapear. Find a reason for yourself to start, create that internal motivation, that internal drive. You will be so much stronger and better armed against any issues that could arise. Once you are on this path continue to remind yourself why you are doing and how much better your life is becoming. Don’t give yourself so much to the goal that you feel you are hurting that you are putting too much effort, this wont help you to remain on your path to your goal.