Avoid lack of sleep or your life will spiral down

Are you sleeping well or are you skipping your sleep?

A busy life is what everyone uses as an excuse not to get enough sleep. If you ask people what is the thing that can bring down your life the most you will get a lof of different answer. But hopefully some of them know that a lack of sleep will bring and keep you down if you persist in the lack of sleep.

Any person will have some moments with less sleep, but if it’s persist for an extended period of time it will influence your life greatly. Our body and mind is constantly moving, we continue to think about new things. This means that your body and mind is slowly getting tired. Sleep is the opium for our body and mind. Without sleep we are not recovering enough from what happened during the day and you will not be ready (enough) for the next thing in line. As teenagers many fall to the bad habit of staying up late and waking up as late as possible. Some even have to add in some sleeping at school in order to function just a little bit. Having less sleep for a short amount of time is acceptable, but if you continue this path your life will get a beating.

Sleep is the best meditation. – Dalai Lama

If the quote from Dalai Lama is actually true is a question difficult to answer. Personally I think that sleep is not meditation rather if you don’t have time for meditation the least you should do is to make time to have enough sleep. Because without sleep you will not fuction well. Being well “meditated” doesn’t help if you are lacking the sleep to recover normally. What actually is true is that sleep is the best preventive medicine that exists. If you are slowly getting ill because of something that is going out a good night’s rest will make you recover more easily and potentially even avoid getting sick altogether. Sometimes you are getting sick and your body will attempt to fight of the illness at night. This happens because your body and mind is resting and requires less effort to upkeep.

Some people perform better with less sleep than others. But sleep is essential to everyone. You may get away with sleeping less which doesn’t have to be an issue. However look out for these pitfalls: you are getting sick often, you feel low energy, see things unclear in your mind, have mental problem or have tensions in your life. If one of multiple of these apply to you it may mean you are getting too little amount of sleep. If you are not falling asleep during the day it doesn’t mean that you should stick to the same low amount of sleep. Satisfied with less sleep? Try to sleep more often for about a month and see what the consequences are. Don’t trust your sleep pattern to be perfect if you haven’t tested a different pattern yet.