Stick to your principles even to your parents or your boss

Believe in yourself by remaining true to your principles

Life has many situations and persons that will challenge your believes and your principles. Are you confident in yourself and your performance that despite minor inconveniencs you will stick to your principles?

Everyone frequently has a situation where it’s difficult to remain true to your principles. Especially when your friend, family member or boss is involved in it. Are you willing to stay strong believing in your principles while someone else challenges them? Do you allow yourself to say no to an invitation to go out if you had 2 rest days in a row and you had to workout today? If everyone but you is drinking alcohol will you allow them to order you an alcoholic beverage or will you follow your plan? The main ingredient to remain strong in your principles is by totally believing in them and being confident in yourself that you are who you are and that it doesn’t hurt them if you are keeping yourself to your principles. It doesn’t hurt them if you don’t join with alcohol, you will still have fun and be fun if you allow yourself. Don’t think that you are ruining the party however make sure that you enjoy yourself despite some strange looks that you will encounter.

One just principle from the depths of a cave is more powerful than an army. – Jose Marti

A principle is only as strong as the person abiding it. If you tell everyone that you are not on social media yet you are scrolling through posts for an hour a day you are still endulging into something that you are against with your principle. It’s not what you think or say that makes something a principle that you follow. Rather the actios or lack of action on it that shows if you follow a certain principle. For example if you say you don’t drink and drive it doesn’t cut it if you “only” do it once a month. Instead of telling everyone what principles you follow let them know by just simply always following them. Even if this means you have to challenge someone. If your parents tells you that one drink wont hurt they are correct, but if your principle is to never drink than don’t give in. The principle becomes as strong as you want it to be. You may be known as the person that always sticks to it’s principles regardless of the situation.

People who have a big influence in our life often have something more to say in what we do or don’t do. However when you are abiding to a principle that will make you improve in life you don’t have to follow their opinion especially if it would bring you further from you goals. For example if you are implementing a new hobby or new goal they could tell you to live a little and to be less focussed on them. It’s true that you life is not only about work and self-improvement. But if you deem it necessary to focus on something don’t let anyone stand in your path. In the end you can only blame yourself for not aiming for your dreams, you are always in charge of your own life. Don’t let anyone pressure you into doing something where they don’t have anything to say on. You are free to do in your time as you please, as long as the company you are working for isn’t being damaged by the way you are acting.