Don’t underestimate yourself regardless of your earlier performances

How much do you believe in yourself?

Life has it’s way to knock anyone down. Will this one inconvenience keep you down or are you getting back up and try to make something better from it?

Some of us set goals by looking at our past performance. Because we haven’t achieved that much yet we are only setting very achievable goals. It’s great that you know you will succeed in obtaining the goal, yet you should also challenge yourself. Setting a small goal will help you to start building confidence that you are able to reach for your goals. There is nothing wrong with setting a small goal again, but at same point you’ll have to think about a bigger goal to avoid holding yourself back with the small goals. You don’t have to switch from a small to a large goal. You could also continue to put small goals but have the bigger goal in mind and trying to achieve the small goals more frequent. Instead of setting and obtaining the small goals every 6 months you could strive to complete them in a month or 2. They don’t have to be hard goals where you “failed” if you didn’t complete it in a short time span. Rather set yourself a timeline that can challenge you into better performance in a shorter amount of time.

Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us. – Wilma Rudolph

If we set a huge goal in a short timespan it will be difficult or impossible to achieve. For example if you didn’t watch your weight for 5 years and your health is suffering from it don’t expect to get a healthy body in 6 months. What helps you more is by setting small goals more frequent so you can build up towards the big goal. Preferably implement the small goal first that is easy for you to follow. An example is to drink only one extra glass of water a day. It may not seem like much but everyone has to start someone. To achieve the biggest goals you only have to follow your small goals that you set to push through to the bigger goal.

When you were young you may have started to work out to get rid of some fat. But what you did was forcing yourself to do too much too quickly. That it didn’t work at that time is no prediction for your future goal. Consider carefully what happened and find a solution for it so this time you will succeed. Instead of running on the road you will run on a softer underground. Instead of cutting out all your fast food meals you can reduce the amount. Instead of never drinking alcohol anymore you can decidide to go to party with friends just one less time a month or a week. It’s the thought that counts and the more of the small goals you are achieving the easier the bigger one will be.