Train your body to train your spirit

Do you train your body?

To improve our spirit we feel like we have to focus on our spirit alone and find a way to strengthen it. However if you focus on training your body, challenge your body, you will also strengthen your spirit.

Our body can be trained with many different types of training. Training our spirit and our physical thoughness is a bit harder. Don’t focus only on your body and challenge what you thought wasn’t possible for you and try to beat your own expectations. Your body, mind and your future self will thank you for the work you are putting in now. Strengthen your body and mind to surpass what you believed was possible and you are training your spirit in order to be able to tackle any challenge. As children we are protected by our parents to avoid failure and to reach success without having to find the best methods yourself. But once you become older and independant you will have to find your own methods for self-improvement and growth.

The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit. – Morihei Ueshiba

Training is seen as mandatory if you joined a group for a team sport, if you want to join one or if you are trying to reach or stay in shape for solo competition. While it’s necessary for those moments anyone can learn from attempting to push themselves in a training. You don’t have to pay people to coach you neither are you forced to join a team to enjoy the benefits. All the knowledge in the world is at our fingertips if you are willing to spend time and effort into it. Once the knowledge is obtained you have to free up your time in order to take actions instead of only continueing to learn more without action.

If we are trying to become healthy or remain healthy we frequently at excercise into our routine. Exercise is great however it doesn’t always equate to training. A simple workout is better than nothing, but it’s not always training. In order to have the bigger benefit of training you need to challenge yourself, this can mean many things: Heavier weights, shorter rest periods, more reps, more intense. Challenging yourself will improve your character and build the strength of your mind. In many cases the expression “mind over body” to be true. If your body is too tired to do something your mind can power your body to push through that wall. It doesn’t give you the power you don’t have, but it unlocks that part that your body will not allow you to use if you don’t ask for it. Trying to get this last piece of effort out every time might be too hard on yourself. But it doesn’t hurt to use it for some training from time to time.