Become the “person” who can achieve the goal

Are you likely to obtain your goal?

If we want to become succesful we need to be the person who is able to obtain their goals. Not achieving your goals is the worst enemy of becoming succesful. Without completing what you set yourself to do you’ll never get there.

If you finished a lot of the goals that you set for yourself in the past you will be more inclined to be motivated to give your all once again to reach a new level. From this point onwards people will believe in you and in turn you will become more self-confident and start to believe in what you can do. Others will expect you to achieve success rather than the person standing next to you, a greater boost to your confidence is impossible to get. But how do you get here? First of you to start with the prepation. Preparing yourself to be ready to go for a goal is extremely important and often overlooked. For example to become healthy you are not just going to jump in without any knowledge what to do. Because if you are going in blind it will double as hard as it needs to be.

To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal. – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

The best preparation is learning about what you want to achieve, when you reached a point where you start to know what you are going to do you can start. Don’t feel trapped in wanting to learn everything before you make the jump, or you will never start. For example you don’t have to be a fitness expert before you lift your first weights or before you start running on the treadmill. Rather you should learn good form and then give it a go. Preparation is always good but you can also get paralyzed by focussing too much on preparation. Social media has made it possible for us to look at the life of succesful people their life, however you will never get to see how much they struggled at the start.

If you want to achieve a goal you can set yourself up for success by becoming the person that is more likely to achieve the goal. For example if you want to become healthy you are implementing eating less garbage and start eating more healthy foods. Instead of coming home to lay down and watch TV you are going for a walk for 20 mins every day. Instead of giving in to every craving you learn to say no to them from time to time. This are examples of what a healthy person would do. So if you start implementing a couple of them you will have a higher chance of succeeding the goal you set for yourself. Set yourself up for succes by building a life around you that will cause you to obtain your goal. For example becoming well spoken in a new language can only be done if you spend time on the language. So if you are practising the language in an app every day and you listen to the language for 20 mins a day every day, you will in the end become so much better at it.