Intensify your effort for better performance

How hard do you push yourself?

Everyone has their own sets of goals. Some people obtain their goals in 10 years, others in a couple of years, couple or months or some never reach their goals.

In order to achieve the goals you set for yourself you should focus on intensifying what you are doing to work towards it. While some big achievements take more time than we would like you shouldn’t let it take more time than is actually necessary to achieve it. When our parents were building their home it could take around 6 months to a year before it was almost done. Now depending on if you are paying someone to build the home it can easily take over a year up to 2 or 3 years. With the rising cost of building and the resources it isn’t an exception anymore that the build itself can be more than 3 years. However if the building of the home takes about 10 years something went horribly wrong.

Life is hard enough. Life is always going to be hard, so you need to push for what you want. – Dizzee Rascal

If you aren’t willing to push yourself you may as well quit going for your goals alltogether. Goals could be achieved without pushing hard. However it will take you so much longer than someone who is willing to push their boundaries. If you require 5 years to complete the goal that others can finish in one year you are wasting your time. For example take your job. You need to learn something to improve your performance, someone else learned it in one month, but for you it takes 1 year. Your employer will instantly know who they will keep if the situation requires him to chose. Even if you are working for yourself this way of working inefficiently will hurt you. Especially when you are working for yourself it will hurt you. There will be no one to catch up your slack.

We all need to improve ourselves, the best method to do this is by pushing what you think you are capable of. The more effort you are willing to put out the better your results will be. If you created your own business your potential clients and your employees, if you have them, will be more inclined to stick with you. Your employees will see the hard work you put in and they will allow themselves to put some effort in as well after seeing your effort. When you are putting effort into anything that is important don’t think that the effort will pay in a short amount of time. Rather know what you have to do and work on it. So in due time you will enjoy the benefits.