Motivate people to take the next step themselves

Take the necessary steps

Improving your life can be done solely if you want to change and want to put the effort in.

If you have set certain goals for yourself you will want to achieve them. When you are working on them the people around you, both your family and friends will notice the goals you are setting and how often you are achieving them. Living as example is the best method to motivate others to follow in your footsteps. However to really have them do what is necessary they are required to want to take the steps. Think about your friend who could lose some weight, if you want to help them it wont work unless they want it. If they talk about losing weight and know you are focussed on health it will not be succesfull untill they are willing to put effort in.

You cannot push any one up a ladder unless he be willing to climb a little himself. – Andrew Carnegie

When you have someone you want to help move towards their goal there are components that you can help them with. Tell them how you did it, what they need it and the best way to do it. There is plenty of effort you can put into helping people that are important to you, but unfortunately they are the ones who have to put in the work. You aren’t able to perform the actions needed for them to improve their life. You can only help them towards their goal, but they have to take the necessary steps. Motivate them to go after their goal.

When you have achieved a certain goal you might want to motivate your friends and family to aim for the same goal. It’s great to try to motivate them to improve greatly, however you can’t force them to follow in your footsteps. When people are obliged to do something specific they will likely try to step away from it. Think about your childhood and when your parents or teacher asked you to do something. The more pressure that is being put on you the more you are inclined to refuse taking the needed actions. Instead of trying to force someone rather show what benefits they can obtain and how they can move towards it.