Build relaxation around stressfull situations

What are you doing to reduce your stress?

Stress hits everyone every day. How we react to this stress is dependant on the person. Do you have methods to reduce your stress?

There are plenty of methods to reduce your stress either on a daily basis or right at the moment where you need it. While most people will want a solution to reduce their stress at the moment they need it, they would have a lot more benefit from reducing their stress daily. Examples to help you with it are: meditation, reading a book, creating some time to think freely, having some time to do nothing, working out and so on. Implement these daily and you will see a reduction of your stress levels. Are you in a stressfull moment and need to reduce your stress? Sometimes we have to leave home to go for somethnig stressfull: an exam or a job interview. Some solutions are: playing with your dog or hugging your family before you leave. Alternatives especially when you are alone and left your home: going for a short walk in the nature, doing some breathing exercises, meditation (this can be done in many different ways), think about the stressfull situation not being the end of the world.

We will be more successful in all our endeavors if we can let go of the habit of running all the time, and take little pauses to relax and re-center ourselves. And we’ll also have a lot more joy in living. – Thich Nhat Hanh

Life is so busy that we tend to always keep our minds active and keep on sprinting to the next thing we have to do. In order to get more relaxation in your life you should think about different ways to do your daily activities. One method to reduce the stress in your life is to consider the time you spend on useless activities. If you wake up and scroll your phone for 30 minutes you may use (some) of this time to meditate instead and make your bed. You will have a quick win making your bed in the morning and the meditation will help you start your day in a perfect way. Alternatively if your day is always hectic and you don’t think you have time for meditation go to bed 10 minutes earlier and do some meditation before you go to bed. Or wake up 10 minutes earlier and start with meditation.

When people hear about meditation they often think about a monk sitting at a temple having all the time of the world. However meditation is for everyone and there is no perfect method of doing so. The only wrong way to meditate is to not do it. Meditation can be done even by just sittng for 10 minutes doing nothing, emptying your head and doing nothing. Alernatively even sitting for 10 minutes and lettng your mind wander on it’s own is a method of meditation. The only thing you have to consider is if you are feeling better afterwards. If that isn’t the case you might want to change your tactic. Granted don’t expect wonders at your first session of meditation. Just build yourself a method of meditation and you will feel the benefits in due time.