Don’t look the other way, you can achieve great things if you work hard for it

Be succesfull

Looking at the people around us we are suprised how some people stay stagnant and others manage to keep pushing forward and achieve success in every part of their life.

If we set certain goals we want to achieve them rather today than tomorrow. So in the short time we expect that we get what we “deserve”. However this is not how life works, you haven’t earned to get lucky just because you have been putting some work in. No, you should rather continue to work hard and create your own success. Instead of thinking that you will get a breakthrough soon just keep pushing harder and further than you could imagine. At some point you will get what you think you deserve. As long as you don’t feel owned something and continue to move forward you will get what you want later on.

We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. Don’t let yourself be lulled into inaction. – Bill Gates

You want to become healthy, instead of focussing on what you do you are only working a little towards it. Your healthy mind and body isn’t created in two months rather keep on working on it and you will achieve your dream life in a couple of years. The more you can focus on what you need to do the better the results will be. Your family and friends will see everything you are doing for it and how much you are leaving behind. The bigger the goal is that you set for yourself the more sacrifices you are making. These goals take a lot to work towards but they will also deliver you the most enjoyment.

When you are working hard don’t believe that the world owes you something. The mentality that you are due some luck based on your circumstances will not help you move forward. Do what is necessary and work untill you achieve succes, and continue afterwards. If you don’t believe in what you are doing you might as well quit going forward. Focus your thoughts and efforts working towards what you want to achieve. When you are working hard towards something don’t forget the network of people around you. If you work hard and hurt the people around you at the same time you will never achieve greatness. Everyone needs the people around them at some point.