Preparation and anticipation are the key for future success

Do you have your ingredients ready?

Looking at CEO’s from large companies or other successfull people we like to think that they got lucky or they knew the right person that helped them get there. But is this actually true?

If you want to be succesfull later on life will you achieve it by preparing now or by just doing the same thing you have always done? Success isn’t bred by relaxing, it’s not created by doing nothing. Some people will indeed get a lucky shot and achieve some success because of it, but if they done nothing special for it they wont stay there forever. Take as example someone who always spent their money as soon as they got it. If they win a large sum of money they will not be able to keep that money for a long time. If instead of using money as soon as you get it you save money and invest it, winning a lottery gives you the possibility to scale up everything you were doing before.

Anticipate the difficult by managing the easy. – Lao Tzu

Despite people not doing so preparation is the key to become successfull. For example to be accepted to a good paying job you don’t have to be healthy. Yet if you improve your health your body and mind will be prepared for any stress coming your way. Secondly your body functions are depended on what food you eat. Think about your body as a car. Your car wont drive without fuel, neither will it function well if you give it bad fuel. If you are healthy you will shine and people will see the reflection of it in your posture and how healthy you look. While it may not be the good reasoning employers look for employees that have a healthy lifestyle. Because they know they have achieved something that you can’t cheat on and they believe there is less chance of them getting sick frequently.

The difficult can only be completed if you start by mastering the easy. No one can run a marathon or win a competition if they haven’t first did a smaller run or practised for a couple of months. Some difficult things can be achieved by straining the body and mind too hard, but this isn’t sustainable. For example some people could run a marathon tomorrow without prior exercise, but this is bad for their body. Aiming for success in the near future? Don’t just blindly do as you have been doing for ages, rather anticipate what you will have to do to achieve the success and build towards it. This can be learning something completely new, improving something you already know or finding a mentor to help you grow.