Become confident in knowing what you can do

Be confident in yourself and your strengths

Life approves people that are confident in themselves and they often get rewarded for it. How should you build yourself to get this confidence?

If we look at succesful people and how they succeeded we notice that they are confident in what they do. In order to become confident in yourself you have to find your path and experience the world around you. One of the ways to build this confidence is by finding a hobby to focus on this can be: working out or playing an instrument. If you become disciplined to work out 2-3 times a week you are training your mind and body to become better. Because you are disciplined to work on it you are succeeding the goal you set. The more frequent you put yourself out there working on your goal you are becoming more confident in every situation. You will allow yourself to defend your situation.

Confidence comes from discipline and training. – Robert Kiyosaki

When you have built confidence in a certain area of your life you can transpose this confidence in a different area. The example above is the easiest to add to your life. Working out will build confidence in yourself. Every time you succesfully manage what you planned to do you get a tiny bit more confident. Surpassing any challenge will allow you to think about the success you achieve. A small yet important example is if you don’t feel like working out today but you still take the effort to go to the gym. After this small challenge you had you continued to move forward, often these are the best workouts you will have. Passing a challenge like this will make you feel great and you will know that you can take on new challenges.

After you have built confidence you will take on new challenges that are totally outside of your comfort zone. You may struggle with these challenges at first but the more of them you are able to take on the more confident you will become. The more confident you are the easier you can handle harder challenges. While your peers would be worried if they would accomplish what needs to be done you know you will succeed no matter what is required. At some point everyone will look at you to take the lead and to do what has to be done. Being able to do this will allow you to continue move forward.