Learn your why

Are you able to do it?

Everyone has a certain reason to accomplish what they desire. The method to get there is by finding your reason.

Challenges come in all forms in life, to beat them you need to know the reason why you want to pass them. The main thing we need to know in life is our end goal. What is so important for you that you have to obtain it no matter what is in front of you? This can be to make the world a better, safer place, to enable children growing up around you having the possibility of learning and improving. There are as many end goals as there are people in the world. No one can teach you your why, neither can they force it on you. Not knowing your why doesn’t mean that you can challenge yourself and push towards becoming a better version of yourself.

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. – Friedrich Nietzsche

If you haven’t found your why yet don’t worry, focus on something in your life to become better at it. You’ll soon know whether or not it’s something important in your life or you’ll have to continue searching for something new. What you want to avoid is that you aimlessly let life guide you to something new and to stay passive. Only if you allow yourself to focus on something and put effort towards it you will get to know your why and your end goal in life. As you are searching for your why you may get anxious that you still haven’t found your why. But this is not a problem as long as you keep searching for it.

From the moment you have found something to strive for you will be able to encounter any challenge and surpass it. For some people their why might be to have children, see them grow up and give everything so they can become the best version of themselves. As your focus lays on them you know that you are beating any challenge that crosses your path. When you have figured what your why is you start to shift your mindset from “I can’t do this” to “I can do this”. If at first you don’t know how you will find a method to complete what you set yourself to do. Believe in finding your end goal and you’ll have something to work towards.