Aiming for a goal is the start

At what goal are you shooting?

Life is build in many stepping stones. In order to become who we want to be we set goals for ourselves and try to aim to reach them the quickest way possible.

Setting goals is the start to becoming the person you want to be. You don’t have to force yourself hitting the goals, solely setting the goal is starting yourself on the right path. Let’s take a goal as example: becoming healthy so you can enjoy seeing your (grand)children grow up. There is many ways to become healthy but the main route is to eat healthier and/or implement movement in your life. Preferably apply both of them in your life to get the best results. While you may not instantly hit the “becoming healthy” goal, every step you are taking towards it the closer you get. While it may not look like you have hit your goal from the perfect angle you are at least giving it a great attempt.

A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at. – Bruce Lee

When we set goals we focus on achieving the goal instead of looking at the benefits we can obtain solely aiming for the goal. If you are working towards a goal you are trying, you are giving your effort. Participating in a race is often more important than winning the race. People have different situations from each other so at what stage of their life they enter the race is different. Let’s look at an example that makes this very clear. If someone who never did any sports broke their leg a month ago and they participate in the race it’s completely different from the person who won the race after having excercised for a long time.

As the example above shows everyone can have an invisible ceiling they have to break through. This ceiling is not the same for everyone. Some might have a physical challenge, others never push themselves so they might have a mental ceiling. For example someone could have problems leaving their house. If they succeed getting out and participate in they race they are winning something far better than anyone else joining the race. The less you focus on the goal itself but on working towards the goal you will have plenty of benefits to obtain.