Overthinking causes you to overcomplicate and causes you to avoid doing the thing that is needed

Are you preparing yourself or overthinking?

There are hard things in life to accomplish. In order to complete we tend to think abut the best method to reach for them. Bur is it always good to think about the best ways and continue to analyse?

Let’s look at an example. If your goal is to become healthy you could search for the greatest type of movement. You could consider walking, cycling, fitness, swimming, dancing, zumba, tennis and so on. If you continue to search for the best method you will continue to think instead of taking action. Taking action, no matter how small, is much more powerful instead of finding the perfect action you never start with. Do you believe that finding the perfect action is important? Just start with doing something working towards the goal. For example go walk for 30 mins every day. During the walk you can think about what your next step will be. Instead of not starting what is necessary by waiting for the perfect opportunity you will have at least started.

We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. – Swami Vivekananda

Paralysis by analysis is what we are guilty of when we think too much. If we want everything to be perfect from the moment we start we have to prepare everything and think before we act. It’s fine to do this so we don’t make mistakes. However we aren’t meant to overthink constantly so that we don’t take the necessary steps to reach our goals. Everyone wants to achieve great goals they set for themselves., everyone knows the steps they would have to take for them. But most people don’t end up achieving them, they rather continue to think and to doubt themselves. If instead of constantly thinking and worrying about what could happen give it a try and start working towards is.

Equally important to just start with anything is keeping your mind in check. Your mind is your strongest tool. So after you start by taking action remember to use the power of your mind. If your thoughts are that you’ll never get healthy you will never achieve it. You would help yourself to make sure that you wont if you don’t believe it. Instead of letting your mind wonder of to the wrong side of the fence be sure to use your mind to help you. Think positively how your new actions will help you reach the goal that you set for yourself. Focus your efforts and don’t give up.