What do you bring to the table?

Is your table empty or do you fill it with your skills

Look at any relationships you have family, friends, partner, work. Do you think you bring an equal amount of effort and skills to the table or are you only enjoying the benefits ?

Getting benefits from a relationship is great, but are you also putting effort in so that the other achieves benefits themselves too or is it a one way street? When you know someone who only benefits from a relationship you would rather want to cut them out of your life. Then why would you accept yourself to leech of someone else for everything? It’s true that some components of life you are leaning on others, but on other areas of life they should receive your support. Some people do the household, other bring in the money, make sure you are safe or looks for ways to make you happy. Everyone deserves someone in their life who supports them one way or another.

Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for. – Bob Marley

If you think that someone you know will only bring your pleasure and will never hurt you with anything they say you are looking for an utopia. Unfortunately a life where you’ll never get hurt, by something they say or get hurt indirectly by something they do, doesn’t exist. However it’s crucial that you have people in your life that the moments of hurt don’t outpace the moments of happiness. The person that hurts you once in a while should bring positivity in your life, they should put a smile on your face more than they cause you to be sad.

The same thing can be applied at your workplace. If you don’t bring enough benefits to your employer you won’t be working there for much longer. Equally important are your colleagues and how your boss treats you. If they pay you very well, but you are treated badly you wont stay long. If you are treated very well, but aren’t paid much compared to other employees you will likely not stick with them permanently either. It’s not always easy to figure out if there is equality, but neither you or the other person should feel like they give up everything to keep the peace. Because if that is the case the situation will not stay that way.