What is the worst thing that can happen?

How does your disaster look?

Hundreds years ago the worst thing could happen was that you were being attacked by a predator and you would die. The results back in the days from a stressfull situation were way worse than they would be now.

If you are being stressed what do you think the result will look like? Something like the picture above or something else? Our society has changed so much in comparison to ages ago that the difficult situations are a lot less dangerous that they used to be. Even a detrimental change to your life like being fired doesn’t have to be the end of (your) world. The most famous persons in the world have been fired or had a similar situation once in their life. A decision in your life taken by someone else that influences you badly can be the best motivation to motivate yourself to improve.

As long as there’s breath in our lungs our story is still being written. – Bart Millard

Everyone has certain negative moments in their life that could harm them. Luckily more often than not they are solely looking bad in the short term. In the overview of your life they are minor inconveniences. Anything negative can be turned around towards something beautiful. You are the person who can change your story and not anyone else, you are the hero of your own story. While you can decide what actions you are taking you can also choose not to take action. The actions or inactions you are taking have consequences, but it’s up to you to feel a certain way with the results you have.

When you are standing in front of something challenging there are methods to keep your stress in check. A big component to keep your composure is to spend time breathing deeply. This will allow you to recover physically and mentally. In the example above someone would get fired and feel demotivated by it. Regardless of how bad it looks you can calm yourself by feeling yourself breathe. After due time you will see the bad influence in your life as a blessing in disguise. You thought there were only negative effects yet there are some hidden benefits you will learn later.