Everything can be turned into something beautiful

Do you like the result of the labor you put into it?

As people we are inclined to compare ourselves and our situation to the people around us. But what we often forget is that we ourselves are responsible for making something great from our life.

We are very good in comparing us to the others around us. Many centuries ago it was important to compare ourselves and to come up on top. Because back then we needed to be the strongest version of ourselves to protect our family from opposing groups and from wild animals. But in the modern society the only we do by comparing ourselves is to put ourselves down if we feel like we don’t stack up against our peers. Comparing does have some benefits like it could motivate you and possibly even teach you what you should be doing to get ahead. But comparing also has a negative influence on our self-image.

Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. – Michelangelo

Despite that we may be competitive against others in some situations we don’t tend to give ourselves enough credit for what we are capable of doing. If we see someone who did a marathon we praise them and believe we never could do it. How do you know you aren’t capable of doing it? Have you tried it and gave it all your effort for an extended period of time? We have to remember that we are wonderfully strong and smart if we put all our effort in something that we want. Don’t believe for a second you are unable to do it or it might come true. A short amount of doubt will not ruin you achieving your goal but if you start to actually believe that it’s impossible you will not succeed anymore.

What you can learn from this article is yes you can look at other people and praise what they are doing. But at the same time you have to acknowledge the fact that you could be the next person. Either to do the same or do something even better. Everyone can turn their life around from mediocrity to excellence. To achieve this giving yourself just a single month is not enough. You have to realise that everyone who achieved great goals have worked hard, and continued to push towards their end goal. If you believe in yourself you can do anything, no matter the odds.