Change your attitude to change the result

What is your attitude towards something difficult?

Sometimes we achieve difficult goals, other times we give up on them because they are too difficult. But is there actually a reason to give up on something?

If you think that something is difficult will you push through or would you rather give up and do something else? Consider a goal to be too difficult and you are certain to not be able to complete it. Instead of finding a reason why you can’t look for a reason why you can. Any difficult goal is possible to achieve if you put in enough work. Take for example the sprint records at the 100m battles. The first to run it under 10 seconds is the hardest. Once it has proven to be possible more people are able to do it. Because at that point it has been proven that it’s feasable. Now a lot of the top atletes run under 10s.

It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome. – William James

Have the courage to start something and you could consider yourself half way done. The only thing you need to finish is the attitude that you will succeed. If you understand you should be able to obtain it you will get there if you don’t give up. That is the reason why everyone says you should never give up. Because when you give up you accept that you aren’t reaching the goal. An example is when you are learning something new. You attitude could be that you are forced to learn it, then you will do the minimum that is required and hope that you succeed. If instead you actually want to learn it you will enjoy spending time doing it and in return you will able to get better results.

Reaching a goal is not the mere product of the time you spend on it. It’s also relying on how well you are performing in order to achieve it. For example if you want to acquire your driving license you can learn just enough to try your luck at the driving test. A different way of approaching it is by driving frequently even when you don’t want to. You will improve a lot more and your test will be easier to succeed at. Anything you put real effort into is obtainable. As soon as you realise this you will waste your time less on useless activities but rather spend enough time on the things that are important for you.