Focus on progress not on excellence

Does this look like success or failure?

Perfection sounds nice, which is why we strive for it and why social media promotes it to us. But what are you achieving for obtaining perfection?

The good things in life seem to be reserved for the people who have the greatest skills, those people that has achieved perfection. However this is not true, you aren’t required to be perfect to receive great rewards. As long as you are not giving up due to not achieving perfection you will end up with a very nice result. If we look at people around us we tend to look up to people who are perfect in our eyes. Despite that they may seem to have reached perfection in all honesty they haven’t. They just continued to progress and because of it they have reached a level near perfection. The good rewards are for the people who continue to push themselves towards perfection while not actually obtaining it.

Strive for progress, not perfection. – David Perlmutter

To reach for perfection is to reach for the impossible. However if you reach for the moon you will end up at a star. The level you reach might not be perfection but it’s really close to it. People who have strived for perfection for a very long time are deemed to be perfect by the people around them. But if you ask themselves if they have reached perfection they will say they haven’t reached it. The problem with our society is the image that is being created of people on social media. People are idolised when they show how “perfect” their life is when they show the food in the expensive restaurant, the nice car (may or may not be rented), and so on. There are even people that show their “perfect” body (after photoshopping).

Nowadays aiming for the perfect life seems the end goal. Despite that many of the people we look up to actually don’t have the life as they show it on their social media. They wont show the issues, the problems they have, only the positive is being shared. You shouldn’t be aiming for the “perfect life”, rather go for the life that you desire and the life that is perfect for you, despite some of the issues that remain. You may have a healthy life and be happy with your family and friends but not so happy with the car you are driving. The type of car you are driving doesn’t influence your personality. Find what works for you and don’t go blindly for the goals that social media proposes to you.