With the internet at our fingertips you can decide what you use it for. Are you willing to put your time and effort into learning something that you always dreamed of?
Self-education is a wonderfull creation perfected by the art of the internet. At any time, anywhere you are able to use your mind to achieve new knowledge. Our mind is our strongest tool, when you set your mind to it you can learn anything. Self-education becomes incredibely more powerfull when you implement it into your daily life.
Go through your life like everyone. Study, work and play hard just like anyone else. However take the extra leap towards greatness by doing something extra every single day. It can be as easy as improving something that you really like already. For example if you are already interested in history read an informational article or book about it. Are you inclined to start your own business in a few years when you finished university? Start reading books about starting a business and search for people who already did what you plan to do.
Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. – Jim Rohn
When you are ready to take a bigger step in self-education look for anything you want to learn but never had the courage to get started. Always admired people who are able to speak a different language? The first step they took is by actually taking the conscious decision of starting. Choose the language you would love to learn and find time to dedicate to your new language.
Another possible way to introduce self-education is by looking at things you aren’t interested in yet. Start looking into art, music or working out. You may find a new passion that you will love with your entire heart.
Take some time to carefully think what new skills you would like to learn. Find a way to improve in it and keep doing it. Before you know it you have mastered a new skill that you always admired and you will attract other people who have been working at the same passion as you are. Voluntary self-education is not meant to spend 2 hours a day at. Start slowly and do as you please. You are free and you only have to look at your own time and you will progress.