Live in the here and now

Do you look around yourself?

Life is a challenge for everyone. How you are living your life day to day is your choice.

We focus so much on the things that seem important to us that we forget about the most important ones. When we are in nature we want to take a picture so we can show it to others and look at the picture later on and remember the spot. While in all honesty it’s the picture that will have to be our memory because we haven’t looked around ourselves. Strangly enough to transpose the feeling people often say that a picture says more than thousand words. However for your own experience using your eyes are much greater instead of making a picture for your memory.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. – Mahatma Gandhi

At a young age it seems like life just creeps very slowly, the older we get life seems to speed up rapidly. The best thing to take with you is to live every day as if it’s your last one. So you wont regret what you never managed to experience. You never know if you end up injured in a car accident tomorrow. So when you are going for a walk look around at all the beauty you see and enjoy the fact that you are able to walk anywhere you would like to go to. Currently the fact that you are able to go anywhere is normal and we take it for granted. However this might stop at some point.

Instead of thinking you should drain everything out of your life quickly you could just take every moment as it comes and enjoy it to the fullest. When you do this you will have barely any regrets in life. Another point to focus on is that you may still have many active and enjoyable years in front of you. So if you enjoyed your day by doing the things you love you can also implement a moment that you focus on study and improving your future life. There is a balance to obtain between living in the here and now and thinking about the future. Regardless of how your balance look be sure to take into account both sides. Don’t solely focus on the future, but neither only focus on here and now.