Have you ever noticed that you tend to do a certain activity over and over again without taking a break? When someone talks about addiction it is solely for the purpose of talking about a bad situation that should always be avoided.
It is true if you think about addiction there is not much positive to look at if you don’t know about the positive effects it can have. Focussing on the bad activity will keep you hooked up on it. Take a objective look at your situation right now and see how you can improve it. You are focussed on one thing to spend your time and to receive a dopamine boost. Your ability to endlessly focus on one activity will benefit you by looking for the positive substitution. A great example of a dopamine replacement is starting to workout. You continue getting a boost and you are implementing a healthy habit.
I have a writing addiction. – Prince
One essential aspect of addiction is that you take risks. It doesn’t have to end bad if you consider the potential risk and carefully decide on the steps you will take. People generally avoid taking risks and friends and family promote taking the safe approach. Us “addictive personality” sufferers are very much in line with taking risks. We are the ones willing to start a business, invest in shares or take hard decisions that no one is willing to take. It’s a risk not to take risks.
A second aspect of addiction is that you accept standing outside of the social norm. It’s illegal to take drugs, it’s unacceptable to drink and drive. All of these norms are great and are completly necessary to exist and to be executed on. If you are able to be the odd one out of the bunch a lot of good things can come your way. It shows you are comfortable enough to do things the unusual way. You become confident your way and you can use this for positive activities.
Take this aspects in consideration when you look for activities that you will focus on. Let’s take a look at some smart ways to improve by using your strength. Find people around you that you look up to and ask them what made them succesfull and see what you can implement in your life. It can go from starting to workout, meditation, reading books to writing articles or blogs.
That you aren’t doing the same as the mass around you sets you apart. Take advantage of your disadvantage.