Aim up everytime step by step

Keep going up step by step

The greatest result is not achieved by taking a leap of faith without any back-up. Rather look up and focus on what you want to achieve.

When you are standing on the top of a large amount of steps/stairs you are looking at the beautifull result of having performed the walk. But how does it look if you are standing at the bottom? It looks scary, lots of work and maybe even doesn’t seem worth it. Instead of looking at the amount of work it will require you can look at your end goal and imagine how it will look after performing the work. If you have completed a hard goal in your life you know that it requires to to remain persistent and continue to work on it.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. – Lao Tzu

If you look at the entire journey you have to take to reach success you might not want to start. However anything great to achieve will be achieved by taking the first step. After that step you are taking the next the one after and so on. As soon as you starting taking the first step you are starting the journey towards your goal. An example is if you want to have a healthy life. Instead of striving for your goal within the month you should take small steps frequently in order to reach for your goal. Start with tiny steps that seem irrelevant to reach your goal.

When you take step after step towards your goal you prefer slow but steady rather than fast and furious. You will notice if a step is missing far ahead of time and you can improvise to avoid issues showing up. Instead of sprinting and falling over the missing step you will plan how to fill up the missing step. An example is if you want to work towards a promotion at work. After talking to your boss about what skills are required you have written down the list and putting effort into it. However at some point you notice that there is a difficult skill missing for the list which is needed. Instead of giving up you will investigate what you need to do to learn the new skill.