Show up consistently to come out on top

Can you show up often enough that you can reap what you sow?

What are you doing to become the best version of yourself? Do you accept where you are now and going to stay there? Or will you push and get to the next level?

To become the best in your business you need to have a certain set of skills. More often than not those skillsets are difficult to achieve. The only person capable of doing it is the one who knows they have to be willing to do what is necessary and continue to show up on time and put enough effort in what they have to do. It’s easy to know what you have to do, but to actually do it is a lot more difficult. Everyone knows that to pass an exam they have to study, but are you willing to do that. Are you going to do it for that one exam, or will you continue to push yourself for every single exam afterwards?

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. – Robert Louis Stevenson

Due to the social media it seems that we live in an instant gratification society. Meaning if you worked hard for a week or even for a year you are garanteed to reach success. Unfortunately this is not how it works and thinking that it works like this will cause us to get demotivated rather quickly. The people we see on social media reach success after working for one month, we are not getting somewhere even after a full year. However what we don’t see in these situations is either the beneficial circumstances they had or the hard work they have been putting out for the prior years.

As a picture of farmland or the quote above shows: don’t look at what you are harvesting now but what seeds you planted. If you are planning to take a job in an international company in a couple of years start to learn some languages that could help you getting there. Instead of looking at your progress every week or month just continue to improve and remember what seeds you planted. Keep on taking care of the seeds and the plants so your harvest will be increased greatly. If we continue to look at the farm example you can clearly see why you shouldn’t be looking at your daily harvest. Because with farming it is the end product that matters not what you can harvest each day – which is nothing. Strive for your goals and look at the benefits after working hard for multiple years.