Following the mass will hurt you rather than help

How do you look at the situation?

Conforming to society doesn’t always help us to become the best version of ourselves.

When growing up we are being told to conform to society so we get the same results as everyone else. However only in our own time we will realise that this isn’t necessarily a good thing. If everyone does the same you will never be yourself with the best rewards. When you have to battle the limiting believes of others you have to find the method that resonates with your believes. Taking a different action than others will help you improve greatly. The person that stands alone for a large amount of time will perfect his skills and will continue to stand out from the crowd.

Being prime minister is a lonely job… you cannot lead from the crowd. – Margaret Thatcher

People who stand at the top had some controversial moments where they have been standing alone at what they were doing. Because of it they know how to put out tremendous effort for good performance. If you want to stand at the top you shouldn’t follow what the crowd is doing rather do the things they are not willing to. You may not necessarily want to stand at the (lonely) top of the piramid. Rather you would want to reach a certain level of skill in something specific. For example you are one of the 5 real estate salespersons of a company. To become the best salesperson in town or in your company you have to do the things the others aren’t willing to do.

Instead of following the crowd and doing what everyone does you should find the best method for you to achieve your goals. Even if this might mean that you have barely any time for friends or family. To become the best you are required to deliver some sacrifices. That being said you and you alone can determine what you want to do and want you want to sacrifice. Sure everyone who wants to achieve great things will have to sacrafice in one form another. But it could be as easy as just going out less, but still meeting up with friends and family but just not with the same amount of destructivity as before. For example avoid to drink when going out if you have work to do next day, even if next day is still the weekend.