Have you ever considered how you spend your time after waking up? If you haven’t let’s get busy and see what to do in the mornings. It’s said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. All activities done in the morning influence the remainder of your day.
Before looking what activities to do figure out how much time you want to free up for it. Waking up early specifically for your morning routine may seem difficult at first, but is a great idea for improving your productivity. Everyone likes their sleep, if you wake up early to do certain activities you know you will do them. Once you managed to focus you efforts on fulfilling your routine you are ready to tackle your day head on.
The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. – Mike Murdock
What have you always dreamed of reaching? Think about your goals and how you can achieve them. Based on those ideas you can determine the necessary steps and which habits you can implement in your morning routine. Great activities constitute out of meditation, working out, going for a jog, reading or reading a book. If you are really keen on the idea of learning new things you can even do this in the morning. Make sure to prepare well enough by organising new material to be ready for a quick read-through. One great example is learning a new language by either listening to an international radio station, an audio file of learning a new language to reading neew words.
After creating your morning routine it’s key to stay persistent with it. Keeping yourself accountable for following your routine has many benefits. By having a strict morning routine you organise your mornings and take your time into your own hands. You will either spend less time in the morning, because of the perfect arrangement of time. Or your morning will take some extra time, but you clear up time in your evening since you already did some activities right when you woke up.
Find even the smallest positive thing to start doing from tomorrow morning. Keep it up for 21 days and you will have build yourself a route to succes. Maintain it on a daily basis and see all your goals achieved in just a few months.