Be friendly to yourself so you can be friendly to others

Be gentle and friendly to yourself

To others we are understanding if they aren’t able to do something but for ourselves we sometimes have to high standards. Regardless of the situation.

Having high standards for ourselves will help improve in every way possible. However we don’t have to become too hard on ourselves. For example if your goal is to learn a new language you shouldn’t expect yourself to speak the language in a few months. Rather you should focus on continously improving the language and enjoying the journey. If you set yourself a goal with a time limit you are putting unnecessary stress on yourself. Obviously if you are learning a language before you want to travel to that country it can be beneficial to spend more time so you are able to understand some of the language. But more often than not we are not obliged to know the language in the short term we set for ourselves.

Friendly people are caring people, eager to provide encouragement and support when needed most. – Rosabeth Moss Kanter

To become happy it would help to be friendly with other, in order to be able to be friendly to other start with being friendly to yourself. Instead of focussing solely on your goals be so friendly to yourself to allow you some time to take care of your body and mind. Once you have taken care of yourself you can help others. In many countries people have lost their friendliness to others. Covid has created some distance between people. It has went so far that strangers consider you as weird if you dare to say something to them. Saying a good day to someone will get you some strange looks now, but once in a while you will make someone’s day with something so simple.

The world slowly needs to get used again to people being in contact with strangers. Many people have lost contact with people they used to know because of the lockdowns. Someone has to start with introducing friendliness back into the world. Next time you go out say hello to the people nearby or even just acknowledge that they are there by looking to them and smile. You never know when something as simple as this can turn into a new friendship. Meeting someone new even just when you are saying something short to them will help you get used again to social interactions.