Achieve what you are planning by working hard towards it

Consider what you are doing in order to grow yourself, to reach success

Growth is expected when we do something minor. We assume that we can achieve great things in the short term, but we underestimate what we can do in the long run.

Focussing on what lays straight ahead of you within arms distance is often not the thing you should be focussed on. Doing only the activities that seem easy and comfortable to you will not bring the great growth. However when you are planning for the long term and you do the activities that other’s aren’t willing to participate in you will see the real benefits. Focus on the activities that you know will benefit you the best, if you are able to stay persistent with them for an extended period of time you will thank yourself for the effort you have put into growing.

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. – Pele

When you are asking to someone succesfull what they have done to get there the answer will often be the same. Luckily otherwise it would be very strange and we wouldn’t know what we had to do to be succesfull. However knowing what you have to and to actually go through that work are 2 very different things. To become successfull with only luck is impossible. However in current times you could bet big and correct (or wrong!) and make it big in the world, think crypto. I’m not saying betting on crypto is bad, only time will that. But betting on something spending a lot of money on it might make you either very rich or very poor. If you instead focus on working hard to improve on something or to learn something new you creating an opportunity for yourself.

You, me and the people around you we are all normal. Nothing seems special on the outside. However it’s not your current “me” that counts. It’s rather what you are doing right now that will determine how your life will change in 5 years. The person that has a succesfull bussiness now has been working hard on his goals for years and is finally reaping the benefits of it. Think about yourself just watching television every moment you have free time. Compare it someone who tries to build a side hustle in his free time or is learning a skill that he will likely need in a couple of years. The person working hard now will reach success with the seeds he is planting now.