Taking breaks for recovery

Recovery takes time

Setting goals is normal and it requires us to do the necessary actions. It’s great to push yourself and others to increase the likelihod of succeeding. But in order to actually get there you need to allow yourself to take a break to recover.

Just as with fitness in any parrt of your life recovery is essential. Why do you think that most people work from 9 to 5 and not in the weekend? Exactly for the reason that we need recovery in order to get back into it. Those people working 7 days a week, even if working for themselves, will not be able to maintain this long term. If they succeed to do it in the long term they will not fall off their spot when it becomes too much. No one can continue to push all the time without taking some time to recover. Despite how much we desire it we have to give our body and mind the time and space to recover.

Recovery is something that you have to work on every single day and it’s something that it doesn’t get a day off. – Demi Lovato

It may sound cool to say that you are so hardened that you are able to continue to work or push through anything. I never take breaks, I work every single day of the week, 10 hours per day. But the situation turns around very quickly once you notice that you can no longer keep up with youself. Your body and mind will show you that you need time to recover. In fitness your body start feeling painfull, you are getting notifications that you are supposed to take a break. Likewise will uoi get signals that you have to give your mind a rest. However understanding these signals is extremely difficult. Instead chose to take a rest from time to time without waiting for signals.

Another example of recovery that is needed is becoming ill or undergoing an operation; There are plenty of reasons why your health may temporarily suffer .Despite how much people praise you for having so much goals and going for them relentlessly, you might have to take a step back. When you are recovering from an illness you sill not be able to perform the same as you did before. Don’t bother yourself with the people who are recommending you to never take a break. The people that never take a break either don’t know how bad it is yet, or they purely ignore the negative effects it has had on them.