Find a method to achieve your freedom in due time

How does your freedom look like?

To survive we have to find a way to produce or create food and have a roof over our head. In order to do this we have to go find a job or working for ourselves. Will you succeed with chains on or fail in freedom?

Being forced to do certain things or having the freedom isn’t what is important, but how you react because of it. Many people in the world have obligations as if they are in chains. If you are working everyday in order to feed your family you have to continue what you are doing but you are taking care of your family. Rather you are working hard for your children to survive instead of having freedom but not the possibilities to take care of your family. As long as you are taking care of your family right now you can find ways to create freedom, both for you and your family.

It’s far better for a man to go wrong in freedom than to go right in chains. – Thomas H. Huxley

Creating freedom is not about escaping the 9-5 and to never work again. It’s rather creating the freedom to have all options open. You could opt for never working again, change jobs or find a whole new endeavour. To unlock freedom you don’t have to rush yourself to get this in the quickest way possible. Rather find opportunities to create freedom in due time. You could work some extra hours or introduce a side hustle that can build your future up to have all the freedom you could want. The last thing you want to do is to have 2 or 3 jobs for 10 years and not being able to free yourself.

The goal is not to have to work at multiple jobs in order to take care of your family. Rather hopefully manage to do this while building a possibility for yourself to no longer have to do this after a couple of years. Avoid continous strain on yourself without future opportunities but running the risk to have a burn-out. Finding a new path for yourself can be as simple as starting to use 2% of your income on investments. Continue to put this amount of money in investment and pledge to constantly reinvesting the profits you have obtained. Find the method that works for you to strive for freedom.