Have you been able to fullfill your childhood dreams?

Was living in this castle your dream?

As children we all have certain dreams and desires. When you grew up have you been able to satisfy them or are you still working on them?

The dreams that people have vary so much from person to person. Do you remember your dreams as a child? Have you accomplished them or have you totally forgotten about them? The dreams you had as a child might have been wishfull thinking and are possibly not imporant for you anymore. However trying to keep dreams alive can be very special and helpful to decide which goals you want to set for yourself and what you should aim for. Dreams are something you always wanted to achieve, turn these dreams into small goals and see them being fulfilled later in life.

Adults are always asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because they are looking for ideas. – Paula Poundstone

Keeping dreams alive isn’t so easy and accomplishing them might be even harder. Find something to strive for regardless if it was your childhood dream or something that you desire now. Create the thought/dream and do everything in your power to accomplish it. Children are great in dreaming what they want to become once, but as an adult you have the possibility to do the same. It’s not because adults have responsibilities and have a more realistic view on the world that you aren’t allowed to dream. Only people who have a dream and turn it into goals will achieve what they want, regardless if it’s something difficult.

Dreaming big is a required first step to achieve something great in life. No one will land on the moon, be the best sprinter ni the world or become the next president if it wasn’t for dreams. When your child tells you that they want to become an astronaut the chances are slim they will actually achieve it. But if their thought remain with them and they continue to push themselves they might end up succeeding in their lifelong dream. It’s up to you to dream and think about what goals you should set and how you can achieve them. Keep your passion alive and you can accomplish anything that you desire.