Learning to live with less will create space in your life for the things that truly matter to you

How does your home look?

The minimalist lifestyle has gained a lot of followers. Are you one of them or are you rather someone who keeps putting their guard up against it?

The term “minimalist” is being used too often and perhaps should not be used in every situation. Even if you don’t accept the smaller details of the minimalist lifestyle you could grab a benefit here and there from heading into the direction. In our society it’s being praised to have the newest coolest products, the new IPhone, a new car, a newer laptop and so on. However instead of solely focussing on what others think are important you should get what is important for you. If you purchase only what is truly important for you there will be less times that you regret a certain purchase.

Learning to live with less will create space in your life for the things that truly matter to you – Seneca

Buying an enormous amount of stuff will only clutter your house and, even worse, your life. The less you are paying attention to the stuff you bought the more time you can spend on what is important for you. For example if you still have a working phone but you are not paying attention to the latest new phone you will be less focussed on the new gadget. Instead you could chose for example to start a side hustle in order to be your own boss in due time. Have a house and life that is as cluttered as others and you will get the same results.

Not having bought into the hype will create room for yourself to breathe and use your focus for what you need it. Only you can determine what is important for you and what you are willing to sacrifice for it. The example above of a side hustle might not be something for you. Instead of doing that you might focus on your hobby. Instead of going out and looking for hyped items you can go out and (for example) go fishing or play chess. Instead of doing the same thing as everyone else you are improving and enjoying your hobby.