Recovery takes time and depends on how you react to it

How does your recovery look like?

When we work out for our health it’s possible, likely even, that you will get injured. How do you react to it determines how quickly you will recover.

An injury, regardless of how small, is detrimental to your progress. When you are injured you have a certain amount of time that you aren’t able to work out. Secondly, and maybe even worse, your mental peace of mind will decrease. Instead of feeling invincible you have to accept that you are able to get injured. If you are able to get injured now you know that you might get injured again some time later. Thirdly if you have been injured now for example at your shoulder you will have to be carefull with the shoulder that you got injured at now.

Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. – Marcus Aurelius

Preventing all injuries is impossible. Once you got injured you have some opportunities to reduce the changes of getting injured, but you can’t avoid it all together. Unless of course you don’t work out anymore, but that is no advice to be given. Once you have an injury you have to live with it and find some things to continue doing so you aren’t sitting or laying all day. For example if you are injured at your shoulder there is no reason why you shouldn’t go for a 15-minute walk. A 3-hour long walk might not be the best solution for your shoulder injury, but a small portion of movement will not hurt you. As long as you don’t exaggerate using the bodypart that is injured in the first place.

When you get injured, especially when you haven’t been working out for long, it’s best to go check with your doctor. The doctor will be able to give you the best advice on how long you should give your body to recover. However don’t forget that what doctor’s tell you are tips for everyone. This means that depending on your situation you may heal quicker or slower. Don’t go full out before your body is ready for it. An injury can re-appear very easily and is the last thing you want. However you should also not be afraid of getting injured again. Because if you keep thinking about getting injured once again you are thinking about something that could happen quicker because you are thinking about it.