Everyone has moments of doubt, don’t let them determine your results

Which one do you pick?

Life has many difficulties, one of them is to not let your results being determined by moments of (self)-doubt. Obtaining your goals is difficult but important to focus on.

If you set a goal to become healthy you set the steps you need to take to become healthy. Having clear steps you need to take makes it easier to know what you have to do and to be consistent with it. Unfortunately obtaining goals is not as easy to just follow the steps. It’s sometimes really difficult to stay consistent. Eating healthy for a month is doable, if you love to workout doing so for 6 months is a challenge, but is doable. However to continue eating healthy and working out for several consecutive years sounds difficult.

Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness. – Napoleon Hill

When you know what you need to do to achieve your goal you can set your mind to it. But what happens if you are doubting yourself. You may have followed a healthy lifestyle with plenty of healthy food and enough movement. The moment you think you can’t continue is the moment you have to push further. Everyone has moments of selfdoubt, but how this will influence the goal you set for yourself is your choice. You may choose to not pick that healthy food option this time. But will you also step away from the healthy food options for the rest of the week and the month?

Failing to continue on the path you have taken is not a disaster. People around us tend to think that picking the wrong food or choosing not to workout that once will destroy everything you have build up. That is not true. If you want that one choice to ruin everything you have built, this can be done. But why would you do that? One bad pick doesn’t have to mean that you have to start from 0 once again. Accept what you did and get back on track instead of wanting to punish yourself and going back to your old habits.