The ability to refuse an investment opportunity


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Have you ever considered to spend money on investing for your future? As a fellow investor I can confirm that any investment sounds interesting as long as it is being hyped enough or a high enough profit is guaranteed.

A saying goes if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. this doesn’t always have to be correct. But in the investment world it’s a saying that holds a core of truth. When you are being promosed a return of 7% on your invested you should think twice of going with it. In investing higher rewards (may) come from higher risks. It’s your decision how important you deem the money you put in it.

The important thing in investing is be true to your compass. – John Paulson

If you didn’t trust a certain investment, and nothing has changed, don’t start investing in it now. Unless your risk acceptance and capital increased. Just as important as participating in investments is by allowing yourself to not invest in something that seems worthwhile.

A great example of risky investments are crowdlending. Companies frequently need money to continue on growing or to come up with a new product. This money can be collected by asking citizens to contribute money to the project. When you lend money to a company you will have a slightly more protected claim on the company than shareholders have. However your loan will be subordinated to all other businesses that have a claim open towards that business.

Only you can decide for yourself if you are willing to take the risk for a potential higher reward. Some people always go for riskier investments, other people rather stay with the safer options out there.