With money you can do a lot of things, but it isn’t the only component in our life that determines our future. When you realise that you can perform a lot more without using money you open up a lot more routes. Not everyone is able to spend money to achieve goals. Some good examples for this are education, language and knowledge about countries.
Education can be surpassed by actually showing willingness to learn anywhere you go. Instead of paying a lot of money for a high education you can just as well take any opportunity that comes your way to learn something new. It takes a lot more dedication this way, but in the long run you will learn more than people who study at university and give up afterwards. Interesting facts about countries can be learned by travelling with your friends to different location or travelling across language borders. This travelling doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg.
Friends and good manners will carry you where money wont go. – Margaret Walker
Friends will help you sit in for the long run. One of the biggest advantages that friends can give you is a better health. This is in two instances: physically and mentally. The benefits of maintaining good friendships are endlessly. Being able to talk with them helps your blood pressure and sustain a good heart health. Having a constant support helps you recover from mental problems or prevent them.
In our life we strive for being the best version of ourselves. In difficult situation there is always a group of people you can trust to support you. Both family and friends will help you get through these moments. Friends in particular are people you met, both of you decided to continue on meeting each other. If it wouldn’t connect you could have parted ways years ago, but you haven’t. For these reason friends are the ones you know you can go to for reaching your goals. They are the one standing by your side to achieve anything you desire.