Life is difficult enough on it’s own, or maybe not? When you have multiple options which one would you pick, the easy or the harder one? If you want to achieve the best possible result consider opting for the difficult one. The rewards that are actually worth it are only obtainable by hard work and doing difficult tasks.
For example when you are going to a movie, which language will you focus on while watching the movie? Does the movie offer you different language options to see the subtitles in? The easiest is to actually use the subtitles of your mother tongue. If you however also understand a different language why would you not use that language once in a while? Enjoy the movie while also improving your knowledge of a different language.
It’s very important to know who you are. To make decisions. To show who you are. – Malala Yousafzai
Nothing that is worth to get is easy to get through. It’s upto you to decide if you want to contribute your time and effort for reaching your goals. Accomplishing big goals can only be done if you give something in return. It may be offering up some of your enjoyment by not looking the movie in your mother tongue. Eating that tasty salmon dish instead of that pizza to spending some of your time every day to do some meditation.
There is no set and stone guide to reach success. But what makes the difference is by going for the difficult route rather than the one that everyone is taking. Yes it’s enjoyable to buy a brand new car or phone. But do you actually need to buy them that expensive? If you buy the same product but in a cheaper range, you may get less stressed over paying your bill next month. Not buying that brand new tesla helps you saving a lot of money, and paying your debts will be a lot smoother.
You are the one who makes the decisions and who will take the consequences. Don’t go for the temporary joy of consuming but rather look at the entire picture.